IELTS test is composed of four papers that are listening, reading, writing and speaking. These four paper criteria is same apart from IELTS reading which is a bit different. Every module is composed of 9 bands in which listening and reading bands depend on correct answer out of 40. Writing and speaking bands depends on the judgements made by the examiner while checking the paper or asking questions. the minimum bands which are secured by almost every test taker is 4 bands while the ideal result is 7+ bands overall.

Module Band Score

IELTS Listening Band Score
In IELTS Listening test the bands criteria is very simple.
The paper for IELTS general and academic are same and so is the case with its band criteria.
There are 40 questions and the bands are divided among that. A test taker who will get 39-40 marks will receive an outstanding band of 9
The lowest band in Listening is 4 bands which is on giving 11-12 correct answers.
The difference between each band is 0.5 and these points play an important role in overall bands.
The ideal score for any test taker is 7 bands which is received on giving correct answers of 30 or above questions.
IELTS Reading Academic Band Score
IELTS Reading academic and general has separate bands criteria.
The score vary a little bit according to the numbers.
In IELTS reading academic the 9 bands are on same score as listening that is 39 to 40 marks.
The lowest band score is on 4-5 marks which is 2.5.
The ideal and desirable band score is 7 bands on scoring above 30 correct answers.
IELTS Reading General Band Score
There is a slight difference in the bands criteria between academic and general reading.
9 band is only on securing 40 marks instead of 39-40 in academic.
Lowest band 2.5 is on 6-8 marks in general reading test.
The ideal bands of 7 are on securing 34-35 marks out of 40.
IELTS General reading test is tough as compared to academic and good bands are secured only after having 30 marks.
IELTS Writing Band Score
IELTS writing is also composed of 9 bands but the criteria is totally different.
There are two tasks in IELTS writing one is 150 words and the other is 250 words.
The time of first task is 20 minutes and that of second task is 40 minutes.
looking into the time and length of bot tasks it's obvious that task 2 will have more bands.
Task 1 has 3 bands while task 2 has 6 bands.
Examiner is bound to notice cohesion, coherence, grammatical range and accuracy.
IELTS Speaking Band Score
IELTS speaking band score is most dependent on the examiner.
The speaking test is divided into 3 parts i.e. Introduction, topic presentation and Q&As related to the topic.
Every part contains 3 band score each.
The attributes or skills examined are fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar.